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Exploring Customer Satisfaction To Improve Your Company

Customer Satisfaction

For any business the chance to improve their growth is one that should be taken up immediately. The only way to grow as a business is to improve all the little things within the day-to-day running of the company to make the wider project better. Customer service is always one of the highest priorities for any business owner and listening to customers through mystery shopping can help you get to where you want to be.

If your customers are satisfied they are likely to return and buy your goods or service again; they are more likely to rate you highly and recommend you to friends and family. Growing your customer base can only happen if your current clients are satisfied. Here we look at a few ways in which you can improve the levels of customer satisfaction and make it a central philosophy of your entire company, from management down to those at the coalface.

The Basics of Customer Interaction – It is important to remember that first business meeting with a customer, or supplier, is the impression they are going to have of your company as a whole. Make it imperative that every interaction is conducted with a smile and a warm welcome. Also show you are listening to your customer by repeating what they have said to you. Ask questions where necessary to show that you want to ensure you follow their request to the highest ability and won’t miss anything important out. If a request requires a follow up, ensure you do this promptly and offer a resolution to complete the transaction and raise customer satisfaction levels.

Offer Feedback Possibilities – Sometimes there might not seem like there is any way to continue the dialogue with a customer once a transaction and dialogue has been completed. Offering the chance for feedback and displaying an interest in hearing their thoughts on your service and how to improve shows that they are important to you. Whether taken from hiring mystery shopping contractors, telephone feedback surveys, emails, leaflets handed out in person to customers or other forms of feedback, the information taken will help you improve your customer service, and in term the levels of satisfaction in customers.

Swift Resolution to Complaints – Complaints happen in every business, there is no getting away from it. Your reputation and customer satisfaction will be built on how you deal with such complaints. Ensure you have a clear line of communication for customers with a complaint to follow. Don’t get angry, listen, appraise the situation and make the customers know that you value their opinion. Help them to get what they want within the means you have available and have a support network from front desk to management to solve problems that arise.

Whatever you decide to do to improve your customer service, always ensure that the philosophy is spread across the whole company so that wherever you have a presence as a business, the customer service levels are to a high quality and always looking to be improved upon.

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